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Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  I don't know that I'm ready for a full-time staff member, but I feel that we're ready to go to the next level.  Will you work with me on a project basis?


A:  Absolutely!  Sometimes a little specialized focus is needed to get a plan in place and develop some momentum.  When you're ready, I can step back so that you can run with it on your own.  Working with a specialist on a project basis and for a limited time can be exactly the "shot in the arm" you need for your organization.  It's also an easily affordable option over taking on a full time staff member.  

Q:  I'm a sales agency with an in-house sales team.  What can you do for me?


A:  I have a long history of bringing a new level of success to sales agencies.  There are many ways I can assist you:

  • You may or may not have someone on staff to oversee your sales specifically, but it can be a tremendous boost to have someone objectively review your sales activity to identify opportunities for growth and development.

  • Are you seeking sales reps in specific territories?  Would your sales team benefit from additional training?  Recruiting and training reps across the U.S. is an area in which I have been very successful.  


Q:  I'm a vendor.  What can you do for me?


A:  Having worked with countless vendors over many years, I understand the challenges and difficulties you face:  

  • Whether you have your own internal sales team or if you partner with an agency to take your line on the road, I can work with your sales team to analyze their performance and facilitate stronger sales. 

  • Are you partnering with the best sales agency for your brand?  I have relationships with many agencies in various regions across the U.S.  You'll be on the path to success when you find the right personality fit and the right line package for your specific product offering.

  • Are you considering exhibiting at a major market?  Let's discuss the various markets to determine which ones will provide the greatest ROI, then develop a successful game plan.   

  • Are you happy with your level of activity with big box retailers?  Let's evaluate what is needed in order to successfully deal with high volume business.



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